Senior Adults

We believe that there is no “retirement” from the responsibilities of the Christian’s service, stewardship, or spiritual growth, regardless of limitations of aging and cultural challenges.

Our mission is to foster the ongoing development of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ while connecting our Senior Adults with the ministry of The Kirk. The Senior Adults Ministry involves Seniors in gospel sharing and the application of Scripture to matters of daily living. 

Senior Adult Sunday Morning Bible Classes

Lost & Found

10:30 AM – 12:00 PM in B13

They are currently studying the books of 1st and 2nd Kings.

Contact – Doug Scott

In Depth Bible Study

10:15 – 11:30 AM in the Chapel

They are currently studying the book of Matthew and it is taught by Peggy Alexander and John Haley.

Contact – Peggy Alexander

Our Lives and the Bible

10:15 – 11:30 AM in B8

They are currently studying the history and theology of old hymns.

Contact – Scott Scroggs

Weekly Bible Studies

The Well

Monday mornings 9:30 AM, Worship Center
Wednesday Evenings 6:30 PM

The Gathering Women’s Bible Study of the Book of Acts.

Leader – Dan Bair

The Book of Colossians

1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 2 – 3:30 PM


Leader – Jane Cluck

Books of 1st & 2nd Thessalonians

Tuesday mornings, 9:30 AM Conference Room

Study of 1st & 2nd Thessalonians.

Leader – Peggy Alexander

Community Groups

These groups meet together regularly to study the Bible, pray, care for one another, and serve together. Groups are comprised of people of varying ages and life stages and they meet at The Kirk or in homes on differing dates and times.

Contact: Sarah Cluck

Men’s Groups

Joshua Groups

Men commit to reading one book per month and meet for dinner, fellowship and book discussion.

This group meets once a month for 9 months of the year at various days and times.

Contact – Kyle Travis

Journey Groups

This ministry is a small-group experience where participants meet for a 9-month period with a group of believers who share the same heart to go deeper in their relationship with Christ.

This group meets weekly for 9 months of the year at various days and times.

Contact – Jim Holder

Women’s Groups

Martha Circle

Mostly active retirees meeting monthly at 10 AM on second Thursdays in the Library for a Bible study and light brunch.

Contact –Angela Fleming

Ruth Circle

Mostly active retirees who meet monthly at 10:30 AM on the second Thursday in homes.

Features a Bible study followed by a shared meal.

Contact – Cindy List

Support Groups

These groups exist to support specific life stages or issues.

The Kirk’s Care and Concern Ministry also provides hospital, home, rehab, and retirement center visitation.

No matter your age or stage in life, we believe everyone will benefit from being part of a group.