Memorial Services
Losing a loved one is a difficult thing, but as Christians we find hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
At The Kirk, we want to help you celebrate the life of your loved one. We are here to help you plan a beautiful Memorial Service.
The Kirk provides these items for the service:
- One of our pastors will help you prepare for and will conduct the service
- A reception following the service
- A Memorial Bulletin
- Easels for pictures
- Ushers to welcome your guests
- A guestbook, if needed

Our reception team will:
- Prepare the Worship Center
- Display any floral arrangements
- Greet your guests
- Have guests sign your guestbook
- Set up The Gathering for your reception
- Prepare the food and beverages
- Serve your guests while you visit with family and friends
- Clean up after the reception
Memorial Services
A video/Power Point may be shown in The Gathering during the reception.
The Kirk does not have the ability to prepare these for the family but we would be more than happy to set it up for you before the service.
We want this service to be meaningful to you and to represent the life of your loved one. To this end, we will ask you to consider what Scripture and hymns or contemporary Christian songs your family would like included in the service. These are only suggestions so feel free to request whatever you would like.
Suggested Scripture
- Psalm 23
- Psalm 12
- Psalm 139
- Isiah 40:28-31
- John 14:1-6
- 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
- Romans 8:35-39
- I Thessalonians 4:16
- II Timothy 4:6-8
- Revelation 7:9-12
Suggested Hymns
- Amazing Grace
- Be Thou My Vision
- Great is Thy Faithfulness
- How Great Thou Art
- It is Well with My Soul
- My Hope is Built on Nothing Less
- In the Garden
The Kirk provides the Memorial Service and the reception free of charge to Kirk members and their immediate family.
However, we do suggest honorariums for those individuals assisting with the service. Since these individuals will not be paid through The Kirk payroll process, we ask that you either write a check to each individual or put cash in a sealed envelope with their name on it.
We will send you an email with the name of each person participating in the service once the arrangements have all been confirmed.

Standard Honorariums
- Pastor – $300
- Musician (ie: Organist, Pianist, Guitarist, etc.) – $200
- Soloist – $150
- Sound Technician – $200
- Facilities – $150
Next Steps
To help you make some basic decisions and provide the information needed to begin, we have created a form that will assist you in planning.
This can be done at your own pace and will guide you and your family through the process. Once this form is submitted, someone will call you to confirm the date and time of the service and to set up an appointment for the family to visit with the pastor. For the Memorial Service form, please click here.
Of course, if you have any questions or prefer to complete this form over the phone or in person, please contact Carrie Lund at 918.494.7088.
We will be praying for you and your family.