Adult Discipleship
God designed us to be in community with each other.
Groups at The Kirk are designed to help you meet other people and grow in your faith. If you are interested in learning more about our groups, click on the links below.

Community Groups
These groups meet together regularly to study the Bible, pray, care for one another, and serve together. Groups are comprised of people of varying ages and life stages and they meet at The Kirk or in homes on differing dates and times.
Contact for Community Groups: Sarah Cluck
Support Groups
These groups exist to support specific life stages or issues.
Singles Group – Contact: Laura Rogerson
Widows Group – Contact: Marcia Bursinger
Addiction (Support for families) Group – Contact: Jera Holder
Aging, Divorce Care and Grief Support Groups – Shano Raranje

Bible Studies
If you’re wanting to grow in knowledge and application of the Bible, a Bible Study Group is for you. The primary focus of these groups is to study the Bible together. Each week will include a lecture style presentation, a small group discussion, or a combination of both approaches.
Current Bible Studies
Bible Study with Pastor Dan
Wednesdays @ 6:30 AM in the Gathering & 11:30 AM in the Conference Room. This study is led by Pastor Dan Bair.
The Book of Hosea
Tuesday mornings @ 9:30 AM in the Conference Room. This study is led by Peggy Alexander.
Wednesday Afternoon Study
1st & 3rd Wednesdays from 2:00 – 3:30 PM in the Library and is led by Jane Cluck.
The Well
THE WELL is a community Bible study for women of all ages at 9:30 AM on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:15 PM. Pastor Dan is excited to begin again and we are confident that this will be another awesome year of studying God’s Word, fellowship and food! Please take a minute to complete this registration form so that we are able to keep you informed as the new semester approaches.
There will also be an online version offered via Zoom. If you are interested in this online option, please contact Nicole Fields.

Men’s Groups
At The Kirk, we offer a couple of different groups specifically for men – Joshua Groups and Journey Groups.
- Joshua Groups – Men commit to reading one book per month and meet for dinner, fellowship and book discussion. This group meets once a month for 9 months of the year at various days and times. Contact – Kyle Travis
- Journey Groups – This ministry is a small-group setting where participants meet for a 9-month period with a group of believers who share the same heart to go deeper in their relationship with Christ. Contact: Jim Holder
For more information regarding our Men’s Groups, please email Sarah Cluck.

Sunday Morning Bible Class
- Lost & Found – 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM in B8. They are currently studying the books of First and Second Peter. Contact: Doug Scott
- Life in the Word – 10:15 – 11:30 AM in the Chapel. They are currently studying the book of Matthew. Contact: Peggy Alexander
- Ephesians Study – 10:00 – 11:30 AM in the Conference Room. They are currently studying the book of Ephesians. Contact: Scott Scroggs