
Aaron Elmore

Aaron Elmore

Lead Pastor

Aaron has been serving the local church since 2006 in areas of youth, family and adult discipleship, and began serving as the Lead Pastor at The Kirk in May 2020. He earned a degree in youth ministry from John Brown University and a Master of Divinity from Denver Seminary. He is convinced that the gospel is the unique solution to all that is wrong with the world and longs to connect people with this timeless truth. He lives a busy, grace-filled life as a husband, father, and pastor, and loves reading, staying active, and drinking lots of coffee! He is married to Sarah, a public school teacher, and they have two daughters, Aliza and Norah.

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Dan Bair

Dan Bair

Missions & Discipleship Pastor

As a missionary, Dan completed his Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry degree through Columbia Biblical Seminary in South Carolina. After about 14 years on the mission field, Dan, Leda, and their daughter, Gabby, returned to the States and God led them to transition into pastoral ministry here at The Kirk. That was in 2004 and since then he has coordinated the missions program, taught Bible studies and Sunday school classes, preached in our contemporary service for several years , and now oversees all aspects of adult discipleship and missions.

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Collin Grant

Collin Grant

Family Pastor

After 22 years of serving two churches through sports and recreation, camp, and student ministries in Colorado Springs, Collin and his family came to The Kirk. Collin and his wife Becky have four kids, Titus, Eli, Maya, and Paige. Collin graduated from Tabor College in Hillsboro, Kansas with a ministry degree. He continued on to get his Master of Theology degree from Fuller Theological Seminary.

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Shano Raranje

Shano Raranje

Care & Concern Pastor

Shano is from Harare, Zimbabwe. He is married to Venencia and together, they have four children – Simba, Anesu, Munashe and Chipo. Shano earned a Bachelors of Science in Accounting from Langston University. He continued to get his Master in Divinity from Oral Roberts University. In his free time, Shano loves reading and playing soccer. 

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Mainor Arcia

Mainor Arcia

Church Planting Pastor

Mainor was born in Costa Rica and came to know Jesus when he was ten years old. Since his teenage years, he has served as a musician in his local church and in youth and children’s camps. He married Ingrid Zuñiga in 1995 and together they have served in Latin America, conducting marriage courses and giving personal financial training for families, among other things. Together with a team of people, Mainor and Ingrid were founding pastors of a church called “Iglesia Comunidad El Camino” in San José, Costa Rica. He served as its lead pastor from 2015 through 2023.

In January of 2023, the Lord called them to leave their country and plant a Hispanic church in Tulsa through Kirk of the Hills. Mainor’s undergraduate studies are in Business Administration, and he is in the process of finishing his final project to complete his masters degree in Pastoral Leadership through “Seminario ESEPA” in Costa Rica. Some of Mainor’s passions include playing the bass guitar, piano, and playing “futból” (soccer).

Email Mainor

Kirk Staff

Job Openings

Job Openings

Alex Blackwell

Alex Blackwell

Building and Grounds Team

Terry Cast

Terry Cast


Sarah Cluck

Sarah Cluck

Community Life Coordinator

Curtis Edens

Curtis Edens

Building and Grounds Director

Kaylee Estes

Kaylee Estes

Executive Director of Operations

Nicole Fields

Nicole Fields

Financial Assistant

Rich Gable

Rich Gable

Media & Worship Arts Director

DiAnna Harp

DiAnna Harp

Finance Director

Ashley Harrison

Ashley Harrison

Kirk Kiddos Director

Cody Joiner

Cody Joiner

Kirk Kids Director

Madison Lackey

Madison Lackey

Student Ministries Associate

Carrie Lund

Carrie Lund

Connections Director

Sarah Richardson

Sarah Richardson

Choir Director

Lisa Rogers

Lisa Rogers

Family Ministry Assistant

Jamye Ryan

Jamye Ryan

Communications Director

Jessica Stacey

Jessica Stacey

Preschool Co-Director

Kerry Turner

Kerry Turner

Preschool Co-Director

Megan Ward

Megan Ward

Missions & Projects Director

Kirk Leadership

Kirk Elders

Our church leadership team is called the Session, and consists of ruling elders, who are elected from the congregation, and teaching elders. Below is a list of our current elders:

Teaching Elders (Pastors)

Dan Bair, Aaron Elmore, Collin Grant, Shano Raranje, Mainor Arcia

Ruling Elders

Katelyn Adams, Barry Fulda, Bryan Guderian, Beth Haveman, Rick Hebard, Darrell Ingmire, Chris Jenkins, Missy Little, Cathy Manning, Mike McKee, Rebecca Nightingale, Todd Reichert


Deacons are also spiritual leaders, serving in key areas of ministry throughout the church:

Lindsay Craige – Kirk Preschool
Jenny Rollins – Kirk Kiddos
Anne Stevenson – Kirk Kids
Lindsay Fick – Care and Concern
Jennifer McCuistian – Middle School
Chris McGuire – High School
Marcia Bursinger – Widow’s
Mike Iverson & Erich Schwinn – Hospitality
Aaron Caughern – Prayer