Aaron Elmore - October 29, 2023
Scripture References: Romans 12:17-21
From Series: "Disordered Desires: Seven Deadly Sins"
In the western tradition, our primary approach to discipleship is to treat it as a didactic endeavor; as if being a disciple of Jesus is solely an intellectual project, a matter of acquiring and transferring knowledge. This approach ignores the reality that we are desiring creatures. We all experience the gap between our beliefs and our behavior. What if the key to understanding this gap is recognizing and challenging our disordered desires. What if the way of Jesus involves more than just new thinking, but a reordering of our loves, wants and desires. In this series we will examine some of the most common human struggles, which have become known as the 7 deadly sins. We will seek to understand and transform our battle with these sins by understanding them as disordered desires of the heart.
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